Girls Get-a-way… I mean “work” weekend!
The weekend started out early on Thursday morning with an easy direct flight to St. Louis (thank you, Southwest). When I arrived my bag was, of course, super easy to spot (thanks, Matilda Jane). Upon arriving to the hotel it was like Matilda Jane had taken over… well, they had. Balloons, signs, elevator decor, gifts upon check in were just a few things that come to mind first.
Now, let me tell you… For years I have roomed by myself. I mean, a king sized bed to myself, whatever I want on the tv, and time to decompress after our general sessions has always been super appealing. This year, at the last minute, I was convinced to room with 3 of my dear friends. They are some of the top sellers in the company and I think I know why- they are good… they told ME to go from single room to a room of FOUR- and I did it!
So, when I got to the hotel 2 of them were there and waiting for some catch up convos and then lunch. Sure, we talked Matilda Jane life, but we also talked kids, hubbies, things going on with each of US. It’s pretty crazy that busy moms who live in different states/cities and have wildly different personalities get each other so well.
Following lunch, I practiced my presentation, shopped in the TK supply store, and made my way to our Team Leader meeting and Team Builder Cocktail reception. I was thrilled to have Kim from my Music City Mannequin team meet me at the TB reception- a big accomplishment for her. Then, I arranged a pizza party for my team. We had a fun time celebrating our Fall 2019 season and catching up more.
Friday is when the blurry thoughts start running together. No pun intended, but the rest of the weekend was not a marathon- it seemed more like a sprint- but a really long distance one. It was non-stop fun, excitement, and fellowship with lots of swag and treats sprinkled amongst us. The Fashion Show officially kicks of Matilda Jane conference and it was absolutely INCREDIBLE. It literally brings tears to your eyes to think about all the memories that will be made in the coming days and months as we share the collection with each and every one of you.
Our theme for the season is LET’S GO TOGETHER. Don’t you love that? Personally, I feel like something I am working on is being in the community and doing life with the people around me. Being real, authentic, and sometimes not always picture perfect. Basically, the idea of doing IT, whatever IT may be, TOGETHER. In MJC world, let me introduce you to a few of the special ladies that I am lucky to call friends and do life with.
I have been guilty of thinking about my business in an “us” (the trunk keepers) and “them” (home office) way sometimes, but not anymore. We are all jumping into 2020 TOGETHER. Our Vice Chairman of the board, Bob Schwartz, announced to the company that the goal of every decision made, design designed, email sent, and phone call answered is to MAKE TRUNK KEEPERS PROUD. We all signed a banner that will be taken back to Ft. Wayne and hung in our home office. I think of this as a binding contract. If the company’s goal is to make trunk keepers proud, then I declare it my goal, before I say a word or take an action, to make MJC proud. Proud to have ME as a trunk keeper for the past 10+ years and a team leader coaching and encouraging other trunk keepers to adopt the same mind set. Let’s go together, right?
Back in October or November, I got an email from HO asking if I would be willing to help the marketing team and share with the field what I’ve been doing with social media the last few months. I was kinda nervous. What would people say? Would they critique me? Would they even pay attention? Would they realize how truly authentic I am on social media? Would they think that is weird? You know… all that self-doubt. I am so proud to say- I feel like it went GREAT. It felt so natural to stand up and share something I have become so passionate about.
See, I started out my business 10 years ago thinking if I didn’t stand in front of you face-to-face, how in the world could truly appropriately style you and get to know you as a person. Wow, how wrong was I?!?! I sure am thankful for my mindset shift because without it, I wouldn’t have gotten the opportunity to share with you what a gift social media can be when used right and I wouldn’t know many of you today!
Friday night was awards night. I must admit, it is always fun to walk across the stage to receive awards myself, but gosh, it was even more fun cheering for my friends and watching them beam with pride as they were recognized for their hard work and accomplishments.
We decided to end the night with late-night (VERY late haha) cocktails with Meagan, Brennen, and Madeline. They are not only 3 of the magicians behind the magic of our designs, but they are also 3 of the coolest and most creative ladies I will ever know.
I’m not going to lie, a 1:30 am bedtime made my Saturday morning wake-up call a bit rough, but it wasn’t long before I was wide awake learning some styling tips and ideas to make shopping easier for all of you busy ladies. I’m excited to implement so many of the great ideas shared by my fellow TKs.
We heard from ladies who are way better than me about sharing the gift of having a Matilda Jane career, and I’m committed to doing better this season. I never want to seem pushy, but the more I think about it – how could giving someone a GIFT be pushy, right? SO, if you want an excuse to have a semi-annual girls weekend (tax deductible 😉) with some of the most energetic, creative, and incredibly inspiring women in the US… let’s chat! 🙂
Of course, goal setting and business administrative information are always on the agenda, but one of the most moving things from our home office team happened towards the end of the last day. Every HO man and woman joined hands and then invited all of the trunk keepers to do the same and then the 2 groups connected hands together. It was such a small gesture but a powerful one. Gosh, it sure feels good to know how supported those of us in the field are by the group stationed in Indiana.
As conference was ending and we got our 2nd fashion show, the SNOW was starting in St. Louis and I was super nervous my flight wasn’t going to make it. At the last minute, some girls from my team offered for me to jump in the car with them and head back to nashville. Seemed like the perfect way to kick off the LET’S GO TOGETHER theme, don’t you think?