Closet Clean Up & Clean Out
Is it just me or do your kids grow more than ever in the summertime??? It’s time to clean up and clean out my friends! We are headed back to school (in 1 form or another) within the next few weeks, so it’s time to clean up closets, drawers, and cabinets to be able to start fresh for the 2020/2021 school year. Follow these step by step to dos for a smoother school mornings in the future AND the ultimate goal: only have things in our closet that we are going to wear and spend less time and money shopping for things that we don’t need.
- Take everything out… yes, everything -even the things in the drawers.
- Put things in categories around the room (pants, short sleeve tops, exercise tops, etc)
- Go through each category starting with your child’s favorite. (You will get him/her in a good mood from the beginning & this makes for a pleasant rest of the experience.) Hold every single piece of clothing up and your child gives a thumbs up or a thumbs down.
- * If it gets a thumbs up , your child has to try it on to make sure it still fits the way he/she thinks it does (and for you to confirm it actually does fit).
- * If it’s a thumbs down, it immediately goes in either the “donate” or “consign” or “mom’s the boss” pile.
Print these for easy labeling of the things you are getting rid of: Closet Clean Out Signs
- Mom’s the boss Pile: as the mom, you get to be the boss. If it is an article of clothing that you love on your child, it gets to stay. If it is an article of clothing that your child needs, it gets to stay. If its something either of you have sweet memories in, it stays but goes in a box to the attic.
- Consign: We have several local consignment sales around town, and love supporting other entrepreneurs. Hooked on Consignment in Gallati, TN with Natalie Dohanos and Little Spouts Consignment in Franklin, TN with Mindy Spradlin are my top pics for local consignment business women! I always suggest helping your school or church out if they do a sale. The trick is to have all of this in one spot when consignment time comes around so you are ready to hang, tag, etc.
- Donate: You will have some things that aren’t worth consigning. Maybe play clothes brands that your local consignment sale doesn’t accept or something that has a small stain, but could be play clothes for someone else. There are lots of non-profits more than happy to take your things. I suggest getting your kids involved and letting them pick the person/place you donate.
- Make your way through every category pile- alternating between you picking and child picking. (Pro Tip: giving child a say in which category to do next gives some sense of control… that makes ALL children happy.)
- After you have gone through all piles, including shoes, socks, and undies, bag the “donate” pile and take it straight to the back of your car. You don’t need that clutter in your house anymore.
- After you have the “consign” pile, designate a place in your house to put it until consignment drop-off roles around. I suggest an extra closet or even just putting a hanging rack in your attic. (Pro tip: if you don’t have a lot of extra time on your hands, find a local consignment sale that will tag and hang).
- Once you have the 3 piles out, you can assess the situation. Make a list of the things your child NEEDS and what size. This way you can attack the shopping with a plan. Print this sheet to keep up with Things she NEEDS
- Next on the agenda: ask child what 3 things he/she would LIKE to have in the wardrobe for this next season? Maybe its a certain boot or a new pair of athleisure leggings, a twirly dress, etc. Those are the things you can surprise your child with, ask grandparents to give for birthday, or even give your child extra chores around the house to help chip-in to pay for. We love for our children to know that “extras” aren’t owed to them, but it’s certainly okay to have things to work for! Print this sheet and have her fill it out with words and/or pictures: Her top wants
Now, take a deep breath…1 down, more to go! Once you have done this with your children, it’s time to move on to YOUR closet. Trust me, you’ll thank me when it’s done.
*Exception to the rule: RETAIL THERAPY is a real thing. Sometimes, you just need a new shirt to throw on … even if you have a closet full of shirts you like and that fit. Allow yourself that splurge every now and then… Just make sure you are happy (most of the time) with the things you already have in there!